Princess Rinrin’s Information Security Classroom Course Guide

Japanese site

About Princess Rinrin’s Information Security Classroom?

This is an online classroom to learn about information security through familiar conversations that are common in university life, which is made available by the National Institute of Informatics (NII).

Learning Recommendations

Learning Methods

1. Visit to Princess Rinrin’s Information Security Classroom Websit.


2. Switch to the language you want to view.


3. Click Login in the upper right corner.


3. Select “北海道大学/Hokkaido University” (about 30th from the bottom) form the drop-down menu and click “SELECT”.


4. Enter your ELMS(SSO) ID and password on the SSO system login screen and click the “ログイン(Login)” button.


5. Confirm the contents of the Academic Certification LMS Terms of Use and click “Next” (first time only).
※Sorry, the Terms of Use are only available in Japanese. Please read translation software or other means to translate them.


6. 「私は国立情報学研究所学認LMS利用規定に同意します。」(I agree to the National Institute of Informatics Academic Approval LMS Acceptable Use Policy.)and click ‘Next’ (for the first time).


7. Click on ‘ENROL ME’.


8. Click on the topic in ‘Princess Rinrin’s Information Security column’

※ If it’s in Japanese, use the link in the top right corner to change the language setting.

9. Click on ‘PREVIEW’


10. Click ‘OK’ on the voice prompt and attend the security class.


11. Click on ‘>’ and go to the next page.


12. Click on ‘>’ at the top of each section to proceed with the course.


End of course and move to the next category

13. When you have completed the course up to the answers and explanations, click on ‘EXIT ACTIVITY’.


14. As in 8-13, take the online training course with the light blue icons.


Final Test

15. Click on ‘2. Final Test’ at the bottom of the page.




17. Answer the questions and click on ‘FINISH ATTEMPT…’.


18. Check on the content and ‘SUBMIT ALL AND FINISH’.


19. Confirm the pop-up display and Click on ‘SUBMIT ALL AND FINISH’.



ICT Security Office, ICT Promotion Office